Tuesday 24 August 2010


I would write something more substantial - but at the moment I'm learning Greek, and finding it rather heavy going.  (Despite the subtitle, I haven't actually got to theological college yet; I go in Septemebr and am just doing the pre-reading).

I'm also reflecting on the Church of Scotland ordination and induction service I attended at the weekend.  The Kirk's take on ministry is naturally a bit different to Anglican ideas about the priesthood - but it was a moving event.  The minister was charged to love the people of his parish and be faithful, which is certainly something every priest has to take to heart...

But while that's the most central - and at times most difficult, I'd imagine - aspect of ministry, I think it's also reassuring to be reminded that human measures of 'success' are not always appropriate.  Indeed, they can be a snare and a delusion: what God requires is first and foremost that we make ourselves open to him, and open to others.  And he can work with the tiniest opening; the danger is that we get so caught up in managing ourselves and others, and striving for whatever our image of perfection is, that we close ourselves off.

Which is, perhaps, why Julian was right to say "sin is necessary, but all shall be well"... but that's a story for another day.


  1. Can you help my find the RSS feed? Or is there any chance of cross-posting to the DW Anchorhold? 'Cause I am lazy and don't do well at shifting between platforms (I'm noticing...)

  2. Hopefully this should work: http://wanderinganchorite-feed.dreamwidth.org/
